March 31st, 1999, Serial No. 02909
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Tuning in the Mahayana again. It's said to have these three aspects of compassion, altruistic aspiration for enlightenment, the aspiration to realize supreme enlightenment for the welfare of others, and realization. realization of what? Emptiness. Realization of emptiness. Realization of not-self. The Buddha's teaching, in other words. And this requires that we unify it with practice, and the practice of the bodhisattvas has the aspect of means and wisdom.
Means are the practices which attract beings to practice, attract yourself to practice, and these practices support wisdom, generosity, careful attention to the precepts, patience, enthusiasm, and concentration. These attract ourselves and others to the practice in support. Taking these two together, we turn to the practice of realization. Realization of emptiness. Realization of the non-production of everything. Realization of the... nirvanic quality of all things.
Emptiness is threefold. Wisdom of study and then wisdom of investigation. Investigation into the authority and reasonableness of the teachings of emptiness. And then finally, wisdom of contemplation or wisdom of meditation. Wisdom consisting of and depending on meditation. So that's where we have been concentrating lately. I have not in this session been so much giving the teachings about emptiness and the teachings of non-production. I have not been reasoning with you and giving you citations Authority. That's been going on all practice period. But now we're concentrating on bringing.