Names of Buddha: Book 7 of the Flower Adornment Scripture

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A talk given to the No Abode Community on May 11th, 2024

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This talk focuses on exploring Book 6, "Names of Buddha," from the Flower Adornment Scripture (Avatamsaka Sutra), emphasizing the vastness of Buddha's names and their significance in understanding and enacting Buddhist teachings. It elaborates on the live performance of these teachings through daily interactions and traditional Zen practices.

- **Primary Text Discussed**: Flower Adornment Scripture (Avatamsaka Sutra), particularly Book 6 "Names of Buddha."
- **Other References**:
- "Book of Serenity"
- "Blue Cliff Record"

The discussion highlights the interplay between the literal text, often people think of as a mere collection of names, and the Zen performance of life itself where each interaction reenacts these teachings. It uses the example of Master Ma, illustrating how a name encapsulates deeper connections to the teachings. The narrative extends into how Zen practitioners incorporate these teachings into life, viewing every moment and every interaction as a chance to embody the Buddha's teachings.

AI Suggested Title: "Enacting Buddha: Names and Practices in Zen"