November 18th, 2014, Serial No. 04170
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Barry said, what is the triple world? Triple world usually means the world of, you might say, actually it's called the world of desire. It's called the world of desire. or actually the world of sex. Then there's the world of form, and then there's the non-world. When you say triple world, that's usually what it means. Sometimes they say three worlds, and when they say three worlds rather than triple world, they usually mean past, present, and future in the Buddhist tradition. And they say, All Buddhas of the three worlds, sometimes they mean past, present, and future.
But the triple world means it's the world and has these three elements. One's the element called, in Sanskrit, kamma datu. Kamma as in . It's the realm of sex. It's the realm of, in some sense, of coarse material. like bells, tables, buildings, arms, legs, old people, young people, mountains, rivers. That's called the desire realm or the kamadhatu sex realm. And then there's a realm where there's form but the form is sort of like there's just colors and just sounds but the colors are not like put together into like brown and blue making you know a blues or with a brown
a lining or eyes that are blue with black in the middle or white in the form of a wall or brown in the form of bread. It's not that way. They're just one color. And then there's another color. It's like blue and everything's blue, red and everything's red. And the sounds are very simple. They aren't sounds like... English and Chinese and there aren't cries of pain. There's very simple sounds. And the same with smell. There's very simple smells. There's not like chocolate and coffee and lavender and it's just like very basic. And tangibles are like It isn't like you have silk and satin and cotton and wool.
It's more like you have smooth and rough and so on. And then the immaterial, the non-material, it's not immaterial, it's non-material. There is consciousness but there's no colors, there's no sounds, no smells, and so on. It's just various forms of consciousness. And those upper realms are entered by skillful action in the form of concentration states. And at the beginning of that fine material realm, there still might be some... you still might be able to hear and form words. But in most of those realms, there's no way for the mind to make words, so there's no language. And there's no negative sensation in the upper two realms. There's only neutral and positive sensation. And so those are the upper two realms.
And the historical Buddha was a yogi who went into those realms and But he taught that those blissful, non-painful realms, people are still suffering there. And there's no negative sensation, but there's still some fear and still some attachment. And they're still not necessarily understanding that all these pleasant states are just compounded phenomena and impermanent. So that's the triple world. It's all worldly, even though some of this is lofty and very, very pleasant. In terms of worldly experience, these higher yogic states are the most pleasant. They're like more pleasant than, you know, more free of pain than like heroin, you know, morphine and things like that.
they're not like, I don't think, they're not like coke or methamphetamine. They're very calm. Very calm. No pain. But those people are still afraid. Somewhat. Coming down. Coming down back to back to the ordinary world of where there are bodies that get sick and die and stuff like that. They don't live forever. And they know that. They kind of know it's impermanent. But they don't know it deeply, usually. However, they can receive Buddha's teachings. beings in those realms can receive Buddha's teachings and a section of the early teachings of Buddha, at night he would teach those beings.
In the daytime he would tell the beings who were like in India with him, he would tell them some of the things he taught that night. ...of the Buddhist canon where he talks about the teaching he gave to various virtually celestial yogic states. Yeah. Yeah, and I mean, a human being can, there's, the complicated part is a human being, by concentration, you can enter that realm, and you would be there. You would be a human being, but you, just like everything's just vast, blue sky. And you'd just be in a state of calm and ease.
Hmm? No. Are these worlds already in us? Or are they created or born as we practice? They're not exactly in us, but right now we are in intimate relationship with beings in those realms. We are? Yeah. But in order to actually experience them, you have to enter into a certain yogic concentration state. And some beings, actually, by practice, when they die, they are reborn in those realms, and they live there for a while, for a long time. No, as inhabitants of that realm.
So there's the three worlds, and then there's six realms. And two of those three worlds, so the six realms are, what's the word? Denizens of states of torment, which is sometimes called hell in English. denizens of realms of insatiable desire called hungry ghosts, denizens of animal realm. Many animals live in that realm, but human beings can experience that realm, but you can also be reborn, actually live in there. You're afraid all the time, afraid of almost everything. And then there's the human realm. which most of us are fairly familiar with. Most of us are spending most of our time in the human realm.
of what are called jealous gods or titans. very powerful beings whose yogic practice isn't strong enough to get them into these states, blissful states, but they're very powerful and they're trying to fight their way into this calm, blissful state. And they get pretty close sometimes, but not quite. And then there's the denizens of these divine realms. And so if a human being either if you could do this kind of yoga practice or you just did a lot of wholesome karma in your life, you might be reborn in one of these divine celestial abodes. And the Buddha can teach people in those realms. You could still hear the Buddha's teaching.
the human realm is considered an even better place to hear the Buddha's teaching because you're in touch with negative sensation and you can see other people who are suffering. Whereas in these other realms you can't really see the other beings and it's hard to sense their suffering. But you can receive. The Buddha is called a teacher of gods and men, or divine and human. He teaches both. He would like to teach beings in the lower realm, but they're not able to really hear the Dharma because of their condition. And the fighting demons are also, I think, very difficult for the Buddha to teach because they're trying to power their way into happiness. Five is like these titans. They're kind of like, some humans are like that.
They aren't really the titans, but some humans are like that. People who are very powerful, you know, like billionaires, you know, states that are almost out of touch with ordinary human situation. And they're just, they're so powerful. that they're almost like in another world from ordinary humans, but that's not exact, that's like these people, but those people would be reborn into a state like that, where they actually would live there, and there wouldn't be other humans in that realm with them. Yeah, sometimes they just see... The bottom is the hell, and next... Next is hungry ghost and then animal. Those three, it's very difficult for beings in that realm to hear the Dharma. Bodhisattvas are friends to them, but their friendship mostly prepares them to be able to be reborn where they can hear the teaching better.
And sometimes human beings go into a state that's like that. And when they're in those states, it's hard for human beings to hear the teachings. Yeah, and he saw them too. And the people who can see these realms are, generally speaking, the yogis. The yogis... Humans who can live in the human realm, they can also go in these upper two worlds, which are not really the divine realms, but they can go into the space where the divine beings, basically the same state they're in by yogic power, but their center of gravity is still human. It's possible, though, that when they died they would be reborn there and actually live there for a while. those yogis can see these realms, plus they can see the lower realms, by their yogic power.
I think sometimes people, some people have described the Buddha's enlightenment process as shamanic to a great extent. back before Buddha there were shamans who entered into trances and so on, and yogis who entered into trances. So the yogic and shamans had various sacred techniques by which they could go visit various realms. And then in India they had, without using the same techniques, that the shamans discovered. And also, what do you call it, plants.
People knew about plants. I think shamans knew about plants, like they used soma, which is a kind of mushroom. So plant technology, various kinds of drumming and animal communion and so on like that, they could actually generate these special states. where they could see things and hear things. They didn't do these practices, couldn't hear. And the Indians developed yoga concentrations where they didn't use that, in some sense, coarser. I would say it's possible to practice yoga with no, like, stuff to speak of, you know, with no props or body. Buddha was of that school. So he and other people saw these various realms and they also saw how they could see how the people's activity was in the realm. They could see beings dying and being reborn.
They could see that. But that isn't really the Buddha's enlightenment. That's more like the yogic power that he had. So he actually could see people dying and being reborn. He could see people's past lives. and things like that. But he wasn't the only one that could see it. He had met people and could also see these things. What was unusual about the Buddha is he had an unusual interpretation of what he saw. He was seeing the same thing like, you know, we all can see people but we have different understandings of what we're seeing. His understanding was new. New. There's no record of anybody having a teaching like Buddha before the Buddha. You know, no record. Buddha says there were teachers who were teaching what I taught before me, but they're not historical. they're too long ago for, they're in different cycles of, they're different historical cycles that closed and then he lived in, Shakyamuni Buddha lived in this historical cycle but he said he practiced in previous ones and he had teachers in previous ones and they had the same teaching.
That teaching came to an end and now I have rediscovered it When I was born, I couldn't remember what I learned previously, what my teachers taught me before, and I rediscovered it. And I'm the first one to discover it. ...enclosure, which is an illusion. But I'm here, and I've discovered this teaching for everybody that lives in this illusory historical enclosure. It's an enclosure. Yes. Yes. are the world's delusions the worlds are what do you call it they're not exactly delusions they're more like what we say conscious construction only if you other than conscious construction, then you are deluded about them.
But they aren't delusions. They're just the functioning of a living being's mind. If you don't understand what's going on, then you're deluded. Did you say you missed it? Yeah. If you don't understand what you're experiencing, if you don't understand what you're perceiving, Well, like when you're perceiving this one. If you don't understand that what you're looking at is your mind, then you're deluded. It sounds like when you're describing these different, whatever you call them, the worlds, the worlds especially, it sounds like different, you know, dimensions of experience. That's what they are. That's all there is. Yeah, that's right. That's all there is. All states are short of enlightenment other than enlightenment itself.
The state isn't enlightenment. Enlightenment is understanding the nature of the state and being liberated from delusion about it. But some states are, you know, a lot more pleasant than others. Like when you're really calm, before you enter these other states, when you're really calm in the human realm, and you're really concentrated, you're temporarily not suffering much. You could say you're in that realm. You could say... No, you wouldn't be in that realm because you'd still be seeing people and you could still speak English. These realms, actually, when you go in these realms, you can't hear language anymore or speak language. So if you went to these realms and came back and told me about them, I could tell you whether you went there or not. I would ask you if you were talking, were you talking there?
And you said, yes. Well, then you were dreaming. which is a nice dream but and you can talk in your dreams but there's no language of any language in that realm because the psychic processes which form words those are suppressed and the suppression of them calms you down and those states are just like this. And there's a world there and the Buddha could go into those realms and they realize this is just mind and they're not tricked by it. But they still would experience the color and they'd know it was mind if they were well trained and they would experience no pain but they would experience neutral sensation and pleasure and they would know that that was mind too if they were well trained.
But some yogis are concentrated and have to go in those realms but not yet understand the Buddha's teaching and be able to apply it to those realms. Mind encompasses all worlds, yes. From sea to shining sea, all mind. As a matter of fact, sea to shining sea is conscious mind, and conscious mind is not all of our mind. We have unconscious mind, too.