The Science of Compassion

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A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community

AI Summary: 

The talk explores the intricate relationship between compassion, consciousness, and karma in the context of Buddhist practice. It emphasizes the importance of studying one's own body and mind as an essential activity for developing and purifying compassion, which ultimately leads to the realization of Buddhahood. The discussion also delves into the concept of karmic consciousness and the ever-present sense of self within it, along with the afflictions that come from such a sense of self.

Key Published Works and Texts Referenced:
- Buddhist Scriptures or Sutras
- The Abhidharma

Key Anecdotes and Examples Mentioned:
- The teaching of the ancestor Yangshan, specifically the phrase "thinking not-thinking" and "non-thinking," which underscores the complexity and freedom within karmic consciousness.

The narrative stresses that Zen meditation, or zazen, is fundamentally a practice of studying and observing one's body and mind. The process involves:
- Observing current patterns of consciousness.
- Identifying moments of skillful and unskillful thinking.
- Using compassion in the observance and study of these patterns to cultivate and purify compassionate responses.

The idea is presented that non-thinking represents a state of great compassion where karmic action transcends ordinary thinking, thus promoting spiritual liberation and the protection of all beings. The gathering is encouraged to continually engage in this reflective process, both individually and in dialogue with others.

AI Suggested Title: "Karma & Compassion: Consciousness in Buddhist Practice"