No Abode Hermitage Talks

Showing 311 talks

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Worship of the Buddha

When a person pays homage and bows to the Buddhas, there is just one Buddha with no other person.

Lotus Sutra, Bowing, Duality, Dogen, War
Jul 28 2007
No Abode Hermitage

Prajna Paramita

The "Perfection of Wisdom" is the bodhisattva's understanding of emptiness, which is available to those who are settled in the conventional world.

Emptiness, Discrimination, Breath, Observe
Jul 14 2007
No Abode Hermitage

The Bodhisattva and the Mahayana

"Enlightening beings" are committed to living for the benefit of all beings; they practice in the "universal vehicle" which includes everyone.

Emptiness, Mahayana, Enemies, Complete Perfect Enlightenment
Jul 14 2007
No Abode Hermitage


American Buddhism as a gnostic practice; meaning of the word "tathagata"

Faith, Practice Period, Hindrances, American, Three Treasures
Feb 03 2007
No Abode Hermitage


The pursuit of happiness vs. wanting others to be happy; happiness from absorption in activity

Teachings on Happiness for Dancing Mountains Sangha newsletter
Date: February 3, 2007...

Lovingkindness, Desire, zen meditation, Religion, Emptiness
Feb 03 2007
No Abode Hermitage

Intention Transforms the World

Our thinking and intention makes the world what it is; awareness of intention makes our contribution a positive one

Greed, Faith, War, Bodhisattva Vow, Hate
Aug 12 2006
No Abode Hermitage

Baizhang's Fox

Being clear about cause and effect, intention, karma.

Hindrances, causation, Fox, Skandas, Karmic Consciousness
May 27 2006
No Abode Hermitage

Baizhang's Fox

Being clear about cause and effect, intention, karma.

causation, Skandas, Fox, Karmic Consciousness, Funeral
May 27 2006
No Abode Hermitage

On Buddha's Compassion and Fields of Blessing Part Two - The Flower Adornment Scripture Book Ten

Priest, Karma, Happiness
No Abode Hermitage

Introduction To The Four Afflictions Of Self

Discussing afflictions of the mind where the self appears, as an opportunity to explore consciousness. The ignorance of the view that the self is operating the situation.

Consciousness, Anger, Emotions, Ego
No Abode Hermitage

The Flower Adornment Scripture - Book Ten - On Buddha's Compassion and Fields of Blessing - Part One

Compassion, Suffering, Bodhisattva
No Abode Hermitage
