December 5th, 2015, Serial No. 04252
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O Bodhisattva, Mahasattvas, please concentrate your hearts on me. I, Tenjin Zenki, Buddha's disciple, vow to bring forth as much as I can of compassion, respect, and faith, to compassionately observe all obstructing defilements to the way of practice, to observe with the compassion all taints and thus let them drop away, to sit and listen to the perfect wisdom of the gentle Buddhas, taught for the wheel of the world for heroic bodhisattvas intended.
So simple. Clean the temple and sit. clean the temple and after cleaning for a while, when ready, let samadhi come and enter it. Sitting upright in samadhi, Practice the way that directly indicates the Buddha Mind seal.
The treasure store will open of itself and be used according to the bodhisattva's vow. As I said before, I'm deeply touched by the great effort you're making in cleaning the temple, of compassionately observing all the pain, confusion, and turbulence and fear that arises in the temple. of consciousness. You do seem to want to clean the temple so that we can sit and directly indicate the Buddha Mind Seal.
And in this direct indicating this direct celebration, this direct paying homage. The whole phenomenal world celebrates, pays homage, and indicates the Buddha mind. And the entire sky turns into enlightenment. And then the next moment arises with a whole new set of opportunities which may seem very challenging to our compassion. And again, we practice the same simple path of settling into a steady, immovable sitting position. Think of not thinking is an expression for using thinking to directly indicate the Buddha mind.
How do you think of not thinking is another expression of the Buddha mind. Non-thinking is another expression. And we can use every word of the story. We can say each word, and each word can be an opportunity to directly express, to directly indicate the Buddha way. we could tell limitless stories of temple activities that could be observed with compassion.
I'm happy to continue to go along with the current words sentient beings are numberless. I vow to save them." But a more literal translation could be, sentient beings are boundless. Shujo muhen. Muhen means no boundary. Hen means a limit or a boundary. There's no limit to sentient beings. There's no place they don't reach. Everything is an opportunity for compassion. I vow to liberate. Dharma doors, again, it doesn't really say boundless, it says, well it sort of does, but it says
homon mudio. Dharma doors are immeasurable. I vow to learn them. So all these different stories that are going on in the temple They're boundless. There's no end to them. And they're all opportunities to enter Dharma. just in case stopping now is too soon, I'll tell one story, or two.
One is, I have a grandson who is now considerably taller than me, and he does not gloat. Do you know what gloat means? Would you tell her what gloat means? Do you know what gloat means? Any German people know what gloat means in German? Gloat. Well, like, I'm taller than you. Or, hi, little guy. Do you understand? He doesn't tease me for being so short. Anyway, now he's getting bigger and bigger and bigger. But he said some time ago, I can do no wrong with granddaddy. Which is true. He can shock me.
In many ways, he can shock me. Like he used to try to hit me with hammers. Do you know a hammer? And throw rocks at me. Yeah, he had one of those hammers, those emptiness hammers, and he would try to hit emptiness. And anyway, he would shock me. But no wrong. It's very nice to see no wrong, do no wrong. Anyway... Recently I saw him perform with his friends. Now he's 15. I saw him perform with his friends who are in a very good school, a school that allows them to express themselves surrounded by teachers and sometimes friends and family who observe them with eyes of compassion.
and let them say F-words over and over and let them express their anger. And they're so angry. I was shocked how angry these 15- and 16-year-olds are. They're so angry. The black kids are angry at the white kids who talk to them in these prejudiced ways. THE UPPER MIDDLE CLASS WHITE KIDS ARE ANGRY AT THE KIDS WHO ATTACK THEM FOR THEIR PRIVILEGE. AND THEN, YEAH. AND THEN KIDS ARE ANGRY AT THEIR MOTHERS, THEIR FATHERS. AND THERE WAS ONE KID EVEN WHO WAS ANGRY AT HER GRANDMOTHER FROM FOUR YEARS OLD. SO ANGRY. AND SUCH A GREAT SCHOOL. and they're angry at the school that lets them express their anger.
But still it was amazing the fire of their anger to see. And yet all these compassionate eyes watching them express their teenage anger. And I mentioned to my co-grandparent how, you know, kind of shocked I was by all their anger. And she said, well remember that the two most aggressive times in human life are two years old and fifteen and sixty. Their body And their unconscious processes are just a storm. And so in their consciousness there's very likely to be a lot of aggression in response to this storm, this overwhelming storm.
And how wonderful that these kids are expressing it in the school with loving people surrounding them. and all our pain's the same. How wonderful that it occurs and has a chance to be surrounded and permeated by the temple cleaning compassion so that we can settle into samadhi and listen to the Buddha's teaching of perfect wisdom. still it's really a challenge not to be thrown by the burst of aggression. So fortunate that there'd
I could really see the art therapy. It was art and it was therapy. In one way, you might say a line between the art and the therapy, but there's no line between them. That these children could write their own lines from their own heart and put it out there and receive this attentive observation. We need more and more opportunities for this in our world. How old is Miro now?
He doesn't seem to be so violent yet. So may we sit upright in samadhi and let our posture and our breathing and all of our thoughts and our silence directly indicate the Buddha mind seal. May the Buddha's attention