Perfect Wisdom Talks

Prajñāpāramitā (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञापारमिता) means the "Perfection of Wisdom" or "Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom". Prajñāpāramitā practices lead to discerning pristine cognition in a self-reflexively aware way, of seeing the nature of reality. There is a particular body of Mahayana sutras (scriptures) on this wisdom, and they form the practice sadhanas, such as the Heart Sutra.

The Transcendent Wisdom of the Prajanaparamita also transcends any single vehicle (yana) of Buddhist philosophy, as explained in the "Heart Sutra" through the replies Avalokiteshvara gives to Shariputra's question of how should sons and daughters of noble qualities practice the Prajnaparamita:

"All the Buddhas of the three times by relying on the Prajnaparamita

Awaken completely

To the perfect, unsurpassable enlightenment."

Prajñāpāramitā may also refer to the female deity Prajñāpāramitā Devi, a samboghakaya Buddha of transcendental wisdom also known as the "Great Mother" (Tibetan: Yum Chenmo) who was widely depicted in Asian Buddhist art.

The word Prajñāpāramitā combines the Sanskrit words prajñā "wisdom" (or "knowledge") with pāramitā "perfection" or "transcendent". Prajñāpāramitā is a central concept in Mahāyāna Buddhism and is generally associated with ideas such as emptiness (śūnyatā), 'lack of svabhāva' (essence), the illusory (māyā) nature of things, how all phenomena are characterized by "non-arising" (anutpāda, i.e. unborn) and the madhyamaka thought of Nāgārjuna. Its practice and understanding are taken to be indispensable elements of the Bodhisattva path.

According to Edward Conze, the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras are "a collection of about forty texts ... composed somewhere on the Indian subcontinent between approximately 100 BC and AD 600." Some Prajnāpāramitā sūtras are thought to be among the earliest Mahāyāna sūtras.

From Prajnaparamita on Wikipedia

Showing 45 talks

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Title Speaker

The Non-Duality of Silence and Language

Silence, Transmission, Perfect Wisdom, Non-duality, Balance, Duality, Observe, Heart...
Nov 23 2019
No Abode Hermitage

A Conversation about Principle and Phenomena

Heart Sutra, Perfect Wisdom, resistance, confusion, Letting Go, Don't Know Mind...
May 18 2019
No Abode Hermitage

Just This Is: the Avatamsaka Sutra in the Zen Tradition

Perfect Wisdom, Discrimination, Buddha Mind, Practice Period, Karmic Consciousness,...
Apr 13 2019
No Abode Hermitage

The Hands And Eyes Of Avalokiteshvara

Compassion is the teaching of the Buddha. Stories of the different statues and scrolls at No Abode. Yunmen and Daowu, the thousand arms of Avalokiteshvara.

Compassion, Avalokiteshvara, Transmission, Silence, Avalokiteshvara, Perfect Wisdom,...
Nov 10 2018
No Abode Hermitage

Teachings and Meditations On Our True Nature

Our true nature is that we fully possess the wisdom and virtues of the buddhas. But because of misconceptions and attachments we do not realize our buddha nature. Therefore, teachings are given to...

YRB-2018-Summer, Evil, resistance, Karmic Consciousness, Attachment, confusion,...
Aug 07 2018
The Yoga Room

Prajna Paramita, the Lovely, the Holy

Not abiding in anything, including wisdom; helping without the idea of helping; practicing the paramitas without holding on to them; Buddha twirling a flower, Manjushri smiling is transmission in...

Perfect Wisdom, Transmission, Concentration,
Jul 08 2017
No Abode Hermitage

Prajna Paramita, the Lovely, the Holy

Ungraspable nature of all phenomena; perfect wisdom understands dependent co-arising; non-abiding in any state.

Perfect Wisdom, Transmission, Compassion, Dependent Origination,
Jul 08 2017
No Abode Hermitage

The Pivotal Business of Buddha’s House

Lotus Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Faith, Zazen, Perfect Wisdom, Bell, Samadhi
Jun 11 2016
No Abode Hermitage

Melting the Root of Transgression

Confession-and-Repentance, Buddha Ancestors, Compassion, Confession-and-Repentance,...
Apr 09 2016
No Abode Hermitage

Song of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Part 1

Perfect Wisdom, Precious Mirror, Lotus Sutra, Heart Sutra, Compassion,
Mar 07 2015
No Abode Hermitage

A Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony: Your Mind Is Becoming Buddha

Precepts, Bodhisattva Vow, Perfect Wisdom, Lotus Sutra, Perfect Wisdom, Precepts,...
Feb 07 2015
No Abode Hermitage

Heartbreak Hotel: Karmic Consciousness

Karmic Consciousness, Perfect Wisdom, Cultivation, Karmic Consciousness, Perfect...
Jan 03 2015
No Abode Hermitage

Heartbreak Hotel: Karmic Consciousness

Karmic Consciousness, Cultivation, Karmic Consequences, Karmic Consciousness, Karmic...
Jan 03 2015
No Abode Hermitage

Everything Is a Precious Mirror

Precious Mirror, Perfect Wisdom, Suffering, Perfect Wisdom, Samadhi, Doubt, Letting...
Dec 13 2014
No Abode Hermitage

From Where Does an Appropriate Response Emerge?

Cultivation, Perfect Wisdom, Karmic Consciousness, Karmic Consciousness, Perfect...
Sep 12 2014
No Abode Hermitage

From Where Does an Appropriate Response Emerge?

Cultivation, Perfect Wisdom, Cause-and-Effect, Faith, Perfect Wisdom, causation, Fox...
Sep 12 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Hearing the Living Words of Nature

Karmic Consciousness, Karmic Consciousness, true dharma, Attachment, Perfect Wisdom,...
Jul 12 2014
No Abode Hermitage

The Sound of the Valley Stream and the Color of the Mountain

Perfect Wisdom, Non-duality, Intimacy, Perfect Wisdom, true dharma, Karmic...
Jul 12 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Fayen’s Good Friendship

Perfect Wisdom, Perfect Wisdom, Avalokiteshvara, Bodhidharma, Blue Cliff Record,...
Jun 07 2014
No Abode Hermitage

I always think of Hunan in Spring

Bodhisattva Vow, Koan, Perfection of Wisdom, Perfect Wisdom, japanese, Sangha,...
Apr 12 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Exploring Consciousness and Realizing Wisdom

Exploring consciousness with the aid of Buddha's teachings is a path to discovering and realizing deep, liberating Wisdom. Consciousness may be experienced as confining and confusing; at the same...

Perfect Wisdom, Consciousness, Wisdom, Book of Serenity, Demons, Enemies, Karmic...
Mar 23 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Exploring Consciousness and Realizing Wisdom

Exploring consciousness with the aid of Buddha's teachings is a path to discovering and realizing deep, liberating Wisdom. Consciousness may be experienced as confining and confusing; at the same...

Perfect Wisdom, Consciousness, Karmic Consciousness, confusion, Separation
Mar 22 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Speakable and Unspeakable Names of Our Zen Family Ancestors

Perfect Wisdom, good friendship, This good friendship is the whole of the holy life, Shitou, Matzu, Yaoshan, Da-Wu, Lung-tan, Deshan, Guishan, Xiangyan SFZC lineage, Mind of No Abode


Kalyana Mitra, Shitou, Mazu, Prajna Paramita, Perfect Wisdom, resistance, Lineage,...
Mar 01 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Speakable and Unspeakable Names of Our Zen Family Ancestors

good friendship, Responsibilities of student and responsibilities of teacher, Torei Zenji's Bodhisattva Vow, Face-to-Face Transmission, Shui-feng and Yangtan. Sep-po


Torei Zenji, Kalyana Mitra, Perfect Wisdom, Transmission, Interview, japanese,...
Mar 01 2014
No Abode Hermitage

The Good Friendship of Shitou, Matsu and Yaoshan

Shitou, Mazu, Yaoshan, Koan, Teacher-and-Student, Perfect Wisdom, Manjushri, Karmic...
Feb 01 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Essence of Mind: Daowu Teaches the Essential Gate to Truth

Sesshin Dharma Talk

Dragons, Mindfulness, Perfect Wisdom, Doubt, Faith
Jan 22 2014
Green Gulch Farm

Honoring Student-Teacher Relationship (Flower Adornment Scripture)

Kalyana Mitra, Compassion, New Year, Teacher-and-Student, true dharma, Perfect Wisdom...
Jan 04 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Master Judi's One Finger Zen

true dharma, Perfect Wisdom, Posture, Dragons
Nov 17 2013
Green Gulch Farm

The Work of Going Beyond Buddha

“Going Beyond Buddha” (partial) Sept 2013 No Abode

Right Speech, Conversation, Silence, Perfect Wisdom, Buddha Ancestors
Sep 21 2013
No Abode Hermitage

Observing the Breathing Body and the Mind of No Abode 

Posture, Breath, Perfect Wisdom, Observe, Mindfulness
Aug 10 2013
No Abode Hermitage

I Have Long Heard of Dragon Pond 

I Have Long Heard of Dragon Pond
Tenshin Reb Anderson
No Abode
April 13, 2013 AM

Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Transmission, Chanting, Heart Sutra
Apr 13 2013
No Abode Hermitage

I Have Long Heard of Dragon Pond 

I Have Long Heard of Dragon Pond
Tenshin Reb Anderson
No Abode April 13, 2013 PM

Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Lotus Sutra, Buddha Mind, Lineage
Apr 13 2013
No Abode Hermitage

The Perfection of Wisdom 

Perfect Wisdom, zen meditation, Transmission, Faith, Heart Sutra
Mar 07 2013
The Yoga Room

The Buddha Mind Seal and the Teachings of Perfect Wisdom 

The Buddha Mind Seal and the Teachings of Perfect Wisdom
Tenshin Reb Anderson

March 2, 2013 AM
No Abode

Perfect Wisdom, Heart Sutra, Buddha Mind, Hindrances, Greed
Mar 02 2013
No Abode Hermitage

The Buddha Mind Seal and the Teachings of Perfect Wisdom 

The Buddha Mind Seal and the Teachings of Perfect Wisdom
Tenshin Reb Anderson

March 2, 2013 PM
No Abode

Perfect Wisdom, Bodhisattva Vow, Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Jukai
Mar 02 2013
No Abode Hermitage

Entry into the nature of the knowable 

Transmission, Perfect Wisdom, Mahayana
Oct 01 2011
No Abode Hermitage

Paying Respect to the Great Teacher 

Dragons, Transmission, true dharma, Dogen, Perfect Wisdom
Nov 06 2010
No Abode Hermitage

The Definitive Instructions on the Deeds of the Enlightened, Part I 

Tenshin Reb Anderson
Samdhinirmonchana Sutra (Part XIII),
Chapter Ten, Morning Dharma Talk
No Abode Saturday October 15, 2010, A.M.

Manjushri, Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya, Perfect Wisdom
Oct 16 2010
No Abode Hermitage

Training for the Selfless Heart 

Perfect Wisdom, Intimacy, Letting Go, Posture, Attachment
Mar 11 2010
The Yoga Room

Continuous Compassion for Karmic Consciousness 

Karmic Consciousness, true dharma, Perfect Wisdom, Buddha Nature, Hindrances...
Feb 06 2010
No Abode Hermitage

Loving All Being and Resistance 

resistance, Perfect Wisdom, Attachment, Building, Suzuki Roshi
Mar 14 2009
No Abode Hermitage

Entering and Embodying Truth 

Soto Zen, Japan, Bodhisattva Precepts, Perfect Wisdom
Jul 29 2008
The Yoga Room

Yunyan Sweeps the Ground 

Hate, Bodhisattva Way, Perfect Wisdom, Breath, resistance
Jul 26 2008
No Abode Hermitage

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, zen meditation, true dharma, Perfect Wisdom, Bodhisattva Vow
Mar 06 2008
The Yoga Room


Perfect Wisdom, American, Commitment, Posture, Interdependence
Sep 09 2007
Green Gulch Farm