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Showing 431 talks

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Title Speaker Date

Names of Buddha - Part Two

A talk given to the No Abode Community on June 15th, 2024.    
Jun 15 2024
No Abode Hermitage

Names of Buddha - Part One

A talk given to the No Abode Community on June 15th, 2024.    
Jun 15 2024
No Abode Hermitage

Fulfilling the Adornments of Great Awakening

A talk given to the No Abode Community on May 25th, 2024  
May 25 2024
No Abode Hermitage

Names of Buddha: Book 7 of the Flower Adornment Scripture

A talk given to the No Abode Community on May 11th, 2024 This talk focuses on exploring Book 6, "Names of Buddha," from the Flower Adornment Scripture (Avatamsaka Sutra), emphasizing the vastness of Buddha's names and their significance in understanding and enacting...
Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Mazu, Dragon's Cave, Dragons, Birth-and-Death,...
May 11 2024
No Abode Hermitage

Introduction to the Flower Adornment Scripture Meditations for Online Assemblies

In the Dharma talk held at No Abode Hermitage, the commencement of studying the Avatamsaka Sutra was discussed, focusing on its integration with Zen practice. The talk included examination of how Zen ancestors in China and India...
Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Vairochana Buddha, Sanctuary...
Apr 27 2024
No Abode Hermitage

Cherry Blossom Bodhisattvas

The talk explores the profound teachings of the cherry blossoms in Japan, highlighting their symbolic representation of beauty, impermanence, and the interconnectedness of all life. As witnessed during a spring visit, the cherry...
Japan, Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Precepts, Precepts, Daily Life, Bodhisattva...
Apr 13 2024
No Abode Hermitage

What Is Your Art Form?

In this discussion focusing on the art of Dharma conversation, Dharma is portrayed as an interactive process rather than a static acquisition. It encompasses not only speech but also silence, gestures, and stillness, emphasizing...
Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Genjokoan, Evil, true dharma, Soto Zen...
Mar 09 2024
No Abode Hermitage

No Abode Dharma Talk - March 9th, 2024

The talk explores the concepts of reality, perception, suffering, and the relational dynamics between finite and infinite experiences. Central points include a discussion on acknowledging and valuing both finite and infinite...
Suffering, resistance, War, Renunciation
Mar 09 2024
No Abode Hermitage

No Abode Dharma Talk - February 10th, 2024

A talk given to the No Abode Community on February 10th, 2024.   The talk discusses the interplay between the teachings of the "Flower Adornment Scripture" and the "Book of Serenity," which is a collection of Zen koans. It is highlighted how these texts help in...
Suffering, Flower Adornment Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra, Attachment
Feb 10 2024
No Abode Hermitage

Embracing and Sustaining All Beings in the Midst of Climate Crisis

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community.   The talk focuses on engaging with the concept of climate change from a spiritual perspective, emphasizing the Buddhist precept of embracing and sustaining all beings. The speaker discusses how facing difficult realities, like...
Enthusiasm, Peace, Patience
Dec 02 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Embracing and Sustaining All Beings in the Midst of Climate Crisis

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community on the bodhisattva precept of not killing .   The discussion emphasizes the Bodhisattva Precept of not killing, illustrating its application through practical examples, such as dealing with rodents without killing. It explores the distinction between the precept of not...
Bodhisattva Precepts, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Evil
Dec 02 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Sitting in the Presence of Buddha

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community.   The talk focuses on the inherent presence within individuals, emphasizing that asking whether someone is "present" is meant to awaken them to their existing state of presence, rather than to make them present. This...
Mindfulness, Birth-and-Death, resistance, Consciousness
Nov 04 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Sitting in the Presence of Buddha

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community.   The Dharma talk unfolds around the theme of the "Flower Adornment Sutra," focusing on the samadhi of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, exploring the profound relationship between Bodhisattva practices, the vows taken, and...
Lay Ordination, Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Samantabhadra, Samadhi, Ceremony,...
Nov 04 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Going Deeper into our Bodhisattva Samadhi

A talk given to the No Abode Community on October 7th, 2023   The discusion elaborates on the practice of "Bodhisattva Samadhi" through regular sitting meditation, exploring its transformative potential by both daily routine and profound spiritual engagement. The practice...
Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Samantabhadra, Samadhi, Bodhisattva Vow, Precious...
Oct 07 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Giving and Receiving Dharma in Samadhi

A talk given to the No Abode Community on October 7th, 2023   The talk delves into the profound themes of samadhi and the interconnected experiences of bodhisattvas across myriad worlds within the purview of the Buddha’s influence. It explores how bodhisattvas, through the power...
Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Samantabhadra, Samadhi, Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature...
Oct 07 2023
No Abode Hermitage

No Abode Dharma Talk - September 9th, 2023

A talk given to the No Abode Community on September 9th, 2023. Begins with a brief overview of Books One and Two.  In Book Three,  The lecture focuses on the third book of the Buddha Flower Adornment Scripture, exploring themes around awakened presence, the myriad expressions of Samadhi (deep concentrated state), and the inclusiveness of the Bodhisattva'...
Samantabhadra, Samadhi, Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Zazen, Priest, Evil, Posture...
Sep 09 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Entering the Samadhi of Buddha’s Radiance

A talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community In the talk for the No Abode community, the focus is on the profound impact of the Buddha Flower Adornment Sutra (also known as the Avatamsaka Sutra) on the Zen tradition. This sutra, pivotal to the lineage taught by Dogen,...
Flower Adornment Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra, Katagiri Roshi, Suzuki Roshi, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Aug 12 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Another Few Little Steps Into The Flower Treasury Array Of Oceans Of Worlds

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community In a Dharma talk delivered by Tenshin Roshi to the No Abode community, the focus is placed on the teachings of the Flower Adornment Scripture, exploring its implications for Zen practice and integration into everyday life. This...
Enlightenment, Buddha, Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Evil, Lotus Sutra, Precious...
Jul 15 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Introducing Flower Adornment Book Two

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community The talk revolves around the exploration of the second book of the "Flower Adornment Sutra" where the narrative dives into queries about the Buddha's features and qualities, highlighted during an extensive offering...
Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Koun Ejô, Bodhisattva Way, Gratitude, Darkness and...
Jul 15 2023
No Abode Hermitage

A Commencement Ceremony for Exploring the Great Flower Adornment Scripture

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community opening study of the Avatamsaka Sutra.   The talk focuses on the exploration of the Avatamsaka Sutra, also known as the Flower Adornment Scripture, emphasizing its significant but underexplored role in Zen Buddhism. The speaker recounts the influences and personal...
Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Hongzhi, Book of Serenity,...
Jun 24 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Studying the Flower Adornment Scripture Together

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community In a Dharma talk for the No Abode community, Tenshin Roshi explores the intersection of suffering, redemption, and spiritual practice through the lens of Buddhist teachings and the civil rights activism of Martin Luther King Jr....
Martin Luther King, Torei Zenji, Avatamsaka Sutra, Non-violence, Bowing, Anger, Religion,...
Jun 24 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Just Sitting

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community In the Dharma talk given by Tenshin Roshi to the No Abode community, the central thesis explored vulnerability as a necessary condition for growth, drawing analogies between human emotional development and the physical growth of...
Karma, Buddha, Emotions, Anger, confusion, Observe, Enemies
May 06 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Just Sitting

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community In a lecture within the No Abode community, the core practice of 'just sitting' is expounded, drawing from teachings by Suzuki Roshi. 'Just sitting' is presented not only as a physical act but as an all-pervading...
Suzuki Roshi, Suffering, Karma, Confession-and-Repentance, Karmic Consciousness, Repentance,...
May 06 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Liberation Through Intimacy

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community The talk focuses on reinterpreting the four universal Bodhisattva vows, emphasizing intimacy over elimination of afflictions. Several key themes are explored: - Shifting from a traditional understanding of the vows to approach...
Bodhisattva Vow, Ceremony, afflictions, Hate, Attachment, Greed
Apr 01 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Nobody's Perfect, and There Is Perfection

Nobody's perfect but there is perfection. "The Way is perfect and all-pervading" It pervades everywhere including suffering. It is the Non-duality of peace, ease and suffering. Luis Gomez and the "Sutra of Non-... In a Dharma talk at No Abode Hermitage, the relationship between imperfection and the all-pervading perfection of the Way was explored. Concepts from Mahayana Buddhism, specifically the notion that the inherent nature of sentient...
Luis Gomez, Manjushri, Fayan, Suzuki Roshi, self-improvement, Faith, Breath, Zendo, Tassajara...
Mar 04 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Aspiration, Vow and Giving Up the Impulse to Control

What is most important? Aspirations and vows.  Karmic habits distract us from what is most important, from hearing the true dharma. Fundamentally we are the intimacy of all things. Intimacy is not trying to get anything.... The talk, titled "Aspiration, Vow and Giving Up the Impulse to Control," delivered at No Abode Hermitage, explores the relationship between karmic tendencies, the yearning to control, and spiritual aspirations. The...
Aspiration, Vow, Karma, Karmic Formations, Karmic Acts, Gain-and-Loss, Confession-and-Repentance,...
Feb 04 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Compassion with the Controlling Impulse

Emphasizing compassion and de-emphasizing trying to control. Compassion with the impulse to try to control. Being careful without trying to control. Impartiality towards the outcome; for example, shooting basketballs at the hoop... -
Compassion, control, impartiality, non-grasping, Lovingkindness, Bodhidharma, Avalokiteshvara,...
Feb 04 2023
No Abode Hermitage

The Zazen of the Buddhas' Is Great Compassion

The zazen of the buddhas is great compassion.The most common type of compassion is compassion towards suffering as it appears to us. It sees living beings and their suffering as independently existing beings and wishes them... -
Compassion, Han, Pukkasati, Practice Period, Intimacy, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Faith...
Dec 10 2022
No Abode Hermitage

All Buddhas, Great Compassion

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community   -
true dharma, Intimacy, Harmonizing
Nov 05 2022

The Buddha Way is a Conversation.

 Dogenzenji's vow and the practice confession and repentance.  Confession and repentenance includes both social and solitary aspects of practice. "The Snowman" poem by Wallace Stevens, the "mind... -
Dogen, Confession-and-Repentance, Emptiness, Evil, Repentance, Attachment
Sep 03 2022

What is a Zen Practitioner?

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Consciousness, War, Bodhisattva Precepts
Jul 09 2022
No Abode Hermitage

No Abode Dharma Talk - May 14th, 2022

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community The discussion centers on the practice of "finding one's place" in the present moment, which is envisioned as a way to realize and actualize the entire universe. This practice reflects the bodhisattva mind, which abides in...
Consciousness, Buddha Nature, Bowing
May 14 2022
No Abode Hermitage

Freedom from Delusion through studying Delusion

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community The talk emphasizes the importance of understanding and observing one's karmic consciousness to achieve liberation and benefit all beings. The discussion is steeped in Buddhist teachings and draws heavily on the works of Dogen...
Consciousness, confusion, true dharma
Apr 09 2022

Serving All Buddhas with No Expectation of Gain

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community The talk emphasizes the concept of serving all Buddhas without any expectation of gain. This principle is illustrated through several references from Buddhist texts, personal anecdotes, and analogies. Central references and...
Duality, Lotus Sutra, War
Mar 12 2022

Settle Down Right Here: Direct Realization

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Lotus Sutra, Intimacy, realization
Feb 12 2022

No Abode Dharma Talk - December 11th, 2021

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Daily Life, Bodhisattva Way, Consciousness
Dec 11 2021

The Science of Compassion

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community The talk explores the intricate relationship between compassion, consciousness, and karma in the context of Buddhist practice. It emphasizes the importance of studying one's own body and mind as an essential activity for...
Enlightenment, Compassion, Karmic Consciousness, Yangshan, Non-thinking, Consciousness, Karma...
Nov 13 2021

No Abode Dharma Talk - October 2nd, 2021

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community The talk emphasizes a continuous practice of compassion, self-examination, and the admission of ignorance. It suggests that realizing one’s ignorance can lead to deeper research and exploration of life and suffering. There is a...
confusion, Lotus Sutra, Letting Go, Sangha
Oct 02 2021

Meditation on Great Compassion

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community A virtual Dharma talk emphasizes the practice of great compassion, described as the ongoing process of protecting, respecting, caring for, and liberating all living beings. This compassion understands that self and other are the...
Intimacy, Right Speech, Separation, Hate
Aug 28 2021

No Abode Dharma Talk - July 31st, 2021

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community The talk focuses on the concepts of great loving-kindness and great compassion, exploring the distinctions between immature and mature forms of these states. Immature loving-kindness and compassion see beings as separate, which...
Happiness, Patience, Fox
Jul 31 2021

No Abode Dharma Talk - July 10th, 2021, Morning

The first in-person meeting at No Abode since 2020 -
Emotions, Suzuki Roshi, difficulty, Vimalakirti
Jul 10 2021
No Abode Hermitage

No Abode Dharma Talk - July 10th, 2021, Afternoon

The first in-person gathering at No Abode since 2020 -
Hindrances, Obstacles, true dharma, Confession-and-Repentance, Bodhisattva Vow...
Jul 10 2021
No Abode Hermitage

No Abode Dharma Talk - June 12th, 2021

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Evil, Consciousness, Repentance
Jun 12 2021

No Abode Dharma Talk - May 8th, 2021

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Enthusiasm, Lotus Sutra, Precepts
May 08 2021

No Abode Dharma Talk - April 3, 2021

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Lotus Sutra, Silence, Freedom
Apr 03 2021

Confession & Repentance in the Lotus Sutra

Confession-and-Repentance, Lotus Sutra,
Mar 06 2021

Rounding Out Three months of Lotus Sutra Study

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Lotus Sutra,
Feb 05 2021

New Year's Conversations

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
New Year,
Jan 03 2021

In the Same Boat with All Sentient Beings

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode Community. -
Dec 19 2020

Being Soft, Flexible, Honest, and Upright

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Nov 21 2020
