Obstacles Talks

Showing 9 talks

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No Abode Dharma Talk - July 10th, 2021, Afternoon

The first in-person gathering at No Abode since 2020

Hindrances, Obstacles, true dharma, Confession-and-Repentance, Bodhisattva Vow...
Jul 10 2021
No Abode Hermitage

Stories of Enlightenment

In our class this fall we will contemplate and converse about several stories of Zen practice and enlightenment. Our contemplation and conversations will naturally bring up questions and concerns...

YRB-2019-Fall, Observe, Book of Serenity, Interview, Culture, Suzuki Roshi, Priest,...
Nov 07 2019
The Yoga Room

Wandering Away from Our Original Home in Search of Our Original Home

Obstacles, Don't Know Mind, Daily Life, Silence, Zendo, Priest
Aug 10 2019
No Abode Hermitage

Facing Change and Realizing Peace 

Commitment, Soto Zen, difficulty, Obstacles, Buddha Nature
Aug 09 2012
The Yoga Room

The Bodhisattva's Creativity and Freedom 

Balance, Addiction, Obstacles, Daily Life, Lay
Nov 10 2011
The Yoga Room

Entry into the nature of the knowable 

Obstacles, Duality, confusion, Discrimination, Commitment
Oct 01 2011
No Abode Hermitage

Conscious and Unconscious Obstructions of the Buddha Way 

Karmic Consciousness, Faith, Intuition, Obstacles, Zazen
Apr 16 2011
No Abode Hermitage

On Enlightenment and Delusion 

Silence, Ego, Funeral, Emptiness, Obstacles
Nov 12 2009
The Yoga Room

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

zen meditation, Obstacles, Lotus Sutra, Bodhisattva Vow, Soto Zen, Confession-and-...
Aug 07 2007
The Yoga Room