Lineage Talks

Showing 11 talks

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Melting the Root of Transgression

Confession-and-Repentance, Buddha Ancestors, Compassion, Confession-and-Repentance,...
Apr 09 2016
No Abode Hermitage

Exploring Consciousness and Realizing Wisdom

Exploring consciousness with the aid of Buddha's teachings is a path to discovering and realizing deep, liberating Wisdom. Consciousness may be experienced as confining and confusing; at the same...

Consciousness, Teacher-and-Student, Study, true dharma, Karmic Consciousness,...
Mar 22 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Speakable and Unspeakable Names of Our Zen Family Ancestors

Perfect Wisdom, good friendship, This good friendship is the whole of the holy life, Shitou, Matzu, Yaoshan, Da-Wu, Lung-tan, Deshan, Guishan, Xiangyan SFZC lineage, Mind of No Abode


Kalyana Mitra, Shitou, Mazu, Prajna Paramita, Perfect Wisdom, resistance, Lineage,...
Mar 01 2014
No Abode Hermitage

I Have Long Heard of Dragon Pond 

I Have Long Heard of Dragon Pond
Tenshin Reb Anderson
No Abode April 13, 2013 PM

Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Lotus Sutra, Buddha Mind, Lineage
Apr 13 2013
No Abode Hermitage

When Dharma fills Body and Mind 

When Dharma Fills Body and Mind Tenshin Reb Anderson No Abode, July 14, 2012 AFTERNOON

Lineage, lecture, Soto Zen, Desire
Jul 13 2012
No Abode Hermitage

Chick and Hen -- Inquiring and Responding 

Chick and Hen -- Inquiring and Responding
Tenshin Reb Anderson
No Abode, July 1, 2012 Afternoon

Karmic consciousness. Living beings live in a story-telling world. That’s where...

Karmic Consciousness, Koan, Lineage, Vimalakirti
Jul 01 2012
No Abode Hermitage

The Seeds and Fruits of True Awakening 

Lineage, Precepts, zen meditation, Silence, Paramitas
Apr 12 2012
The Yoga Room

Embracing the Mahayana: Do You Want to be an Artist? 

Breath, Dogen, Community, Lineage, Evil
Jul 16 2011
No Abode Hermitage

Zen Stories 

Lineage, Koan, Intimacy, Mahayana, japanese
Mar 17 2011
The Yoga Room

Zen Stories 

Koan, Lineage, Silence, Zenki, Letting Go
Mar 10 2011
The Yoga Room

The Ultimate transcends Difference and Unity

Samdhinirmochana Mahayana Sutra Chapter 3, part 1

Tenshin Reb Anderson
Samdhinormonchana Sutra (Part VI),
Chapter Three, Morning Dharma Talk
Saturday June 14, 2009, A.M....

Nirvana, Fox, Lineage, Oneness, Emptiness
Jun 13 2009
No Abode Hermitage