Zen Master Dogen
Dogen Talks

Dōgen Zenji (道元禅師; 26 January 1200 – 22 September 1253), was a Japanese Zen Buddhist monk, writer, poet, philosopher, and founder of the Sōtō school of Zen in Japan. He is also known as Dōgen Kigen (道元希玄), Eihei Dōgen (永平道元), Kōso Jōyō Daishi (高祖承陽大師), and Busshō Dentō Kokushi (仏性伝東国師).
Originally ordained as a monk in the Tendai School in Kyoto, he was ultimately dissatisfied with its teaching and traveled to China to seek out what he believed to be a more authentic Buddhism. He remained there for four years, finally training under Tiāntóng Rújìng, an eminent teacher of the Cáodòng lineage of Chinese Chan. Upon his return to Japan, he began promoting the practice of zazen (sitting meditation) through literary works such as Fukanzazengi and Bendōwa.
He eventually broke relations completely with the powerful Tendai School, and, after several years of likely friction between himself and the establishment, left Kyoto for the mountainous countryside where he founded the monastery Eihei-ji, which remains the head temple of the Sōtō school today.
Dōgen is known for his extensive writings like the Shōbōgenzō (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye, considered his magnum opus), the Eihei Kōroku (Extensive Record, a collection of his talks), the Eihei Shingi (the first Japanese Zen monastic code), along with his Japanese poetry, and commentaries. Dōgen's writings are one of the most important sources studied in the contemporary Sōtō Zen tradition.
Title | Speaker | |
The Buddha Way is a Conversation.Dogenzenji's vow and the practice confession and repentance. Confession and repentenance includes both social and solitary aspects of practice. "The Snowman" poem by... Dogen, Confession-and-Repentance, Eihei Koso Hotsuganmon, Evil, Repentance,... |
Sep 03 2022 Zoom |
A Special Transmission Outside the ScripturesA Special Transmission Outside the Scriptures Buddha Mind, Transmission, Samadhi, Bodhisattva Vow, Dogen |
Feb 02 2013 Morning No Abode Hermitage |
Embracing the Mahayana: Do You Want to be an Artist? Breath, Dogen, Community, Lineage, Evil |
Jul 16 2011 Afternoon No Abode Hermitage |
Paying Respect to the Great Teacher Dragons, Transmission, true dharma, Dogen, Perfect Wisdom |
Nov 06 2010 Morning No Abode Hermitage |
The Mind of Enlightenment Silence, Lotus Sutra, Dogen, Bodhidharma |
Aug 19 2010 The Yoga Room |
For a Sentient Being to be a Sentient Being is just not to Move Silence, Manjushri, Dogen, Impermanence, Karmic Consciousness |
Nov 14 2009 Morning No Abode Hermitage |
Causation and Non-Self Attachment, Evil, Dogen, Emptiness |
Mar 26 2009 The Yoga Room |
The Practice That Fills and Is Filled by the Entire Universe and the Bodhisattva Precept of Not Killing Lotus Sutra, Buddha Ancestors, Soto Zen, Dogen, Buddha Mind |
Nov 22 2008 Morning No Abode Hermitage |
About the Lotus Sutra Lotus Sutra, true dharma, Bell, Bodhisattva Vow, Dogen |
Apr 19 2008 No Abode Hermitage |
Worship of the BuddhaWhen a person pays homage and bows to the Buddhas, there is just one Buddha with no other person. Lotus Sutra, Bowing, Duality, Dogen, War |
Jul 28 2007 Morning No Abode Hermitage |