Green Gulch Farm Talks

Showing 12 talks

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Title Speaker

Essence of Mind: Daowu Teaches the Essential Gate to Truth

Sesshin Dharma Talk

Dragons, Mindfulness, Perfect Wisdom, Doubt, Faith
Jan 22 2014
Green Gulch Farm

Master Judi's One Finger Zen

true dharma, Perfect Wisdom, Posture, Dragons
Nov 17 2013
Green Gulch Farm

Going for Refuge, Practicing with Fear 

Posture, Community, Mahayana, Precepts, Demons
Jun 15 2008
Green Gulch Farm

Thinking and Not Thinking 

Buddha Mind, Nirvana, Discrimination, Mahayana
May 25 2008
Green Gulch Farm

Bodhisattva Initiation 

Tenshin Reb Anderson
Teachings on Bodhisattva Precepts
Sunday November 11, 2008
Green Gulch Zen Farm
Sunday Dharma Talk with Q & A

Intimacy, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Commitment
Nov 11 2007
Green Gulch Farm

The Great Vow of Wholeheartedness and Taking Care of Our Stories

Green Gulch Farm Sunday Dharma Talk
October 21, 2007

zen meditation, Rumi, Emotions, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Money
Oct 21 2007
Green Gulch Farm


Perfect Wisdom, American, Commitment, Posture, Interdependence
Sep 09 2007
Green Gulch Farm

The Highest Happiness 

Interdependence, Money
Jul 15 2007
Green Gulch Farm

Gracious Attention to Stories 

Observe, Posture, Right Speech, Anger, War
May 27 2007
Green Gulch Farm

Enlightenment is the Silent Bond 

Discrimination, Religion, Desire, difficulty
Apr 01 2007
Green Gulch Farm

Crisis: A Spiritual Turning Point

Spiritual life exists in crisis, which can be used as a turning point. To the extent that we recognize that where we sit right now is a turning point, we are able to understand the possibility of...

Conversation, Faith, Transmission, Priest, War
Jan 08 2006
Part 1
Green Gulch Farm

Crisis: A Spiritual Turning Point

Spiritual life exists in crisis, which can be used as a turning point. To the extent that we recognize that where we sit right now is a turning point, we are able to understand the possibility of...

Transmission, Intuition, Emotions, Bell, Continuous Practice
Jan 08 2006
Part 2
Green Gulch Farm