Lotus Sutra Talks

The Lotus Sūtra (Sanskrit: Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtram, Sūtra on the White Lotus of the True Dharma, Chinese: 妙法蓮華經) is one of the most influential and venerated Buddhist Mahāyāna sūtras. It is the main scripture on which the Tiantai along with its derivative schools, the Japanese Tendai, Korean Cheontae, Vietnamese Thiên Thai and Nichiren schools of Buddhism were established. It is also influential for other East Asian Buddhist schools, such as Zen. According to the British Buddhologist Paul Williams, "For many Buddhists in East Asia since early times, the Lotus Sūtra contains the final teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha—complete and sufficient for salvation." The American Buddhologist Donald S. Lopez Jr. writes that the Lotus Sūtra "is arguably the most famous of all Buddhist texts," presenting "a radical re-vision of both the Buddhist path and of the person of the Buddha."

Two central teachings of the Lotus Sūtra have been very influential for Mahāyāna Buddhism. The first is the doctrine of the One Vehicle, which says that all Buddhist paths and practices lead to Buddhahood and so they are all actually "skillful means" of reaching Buddhahood. The second is the idea that the lifespan of the Buddha is immeasurable and that therefore, he did not really pass on into final Nirvana (he only appeared to do so as upāya), but is still active teaching the Dharma.

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Showing 66 talks

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Title Speaker

Pure Land is Here and Now 

Non-discrimination, Lotus Sutra, Discrimination, Emptiness
May 10 2008
No Abode Hermitage


Forgiveness, Desire, Lotus Sutra, Zendo, Buddha Ancestors, Addiction, true dharma,...
May 02 2008
Minnesota Zen Center

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature, Manjushri, Heart Sutra, Book of Serenity
Apr 24 2008
The Yoga Room

About the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, true dharma, Bell, Bodhisattva Vow, Dogen
Apr 19 2008
No Abode Hermitage

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature, Intimacy, Emptiness
Apr 17 2008
The Yoga Room

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, Bell, Discrimination, Observe, Evil
Apr 03 2008
The Yoga Room

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, Emptiness, Posture, Breath, zen meditation
Mar 27 2008
The Yoga Room

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, Emptiness, true dharma, Three Treasures
Mar 20 2008
The Yoga Room

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature, Emptiness, Religion, Manjushri
Mar 13 2008
The Yoga Room

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, zen meditation, true dharma, Perfect Wisdom, Bodhisattva Vow
Mar 06 2008
The Yoga Room

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

Bodhisattva Vow, zen meditation, Balance, Karmic Consequences, resistance, Confession...
Aug 21 2007
The Yoga Room

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

zen meditation, Obstacles, Lotus Sutra, Bodhisattva Vow, Soto Zen, Confession-and-...
Aug 07 2007
The Yoga Room

Worship of the Buddha

When a person pays homage and bows to the Buddhas, there is just one Buddha with no other person.

Lotus Sutra, Bowing, Duality, Dogen, War
Jul 28 2007
No Abode Hermitage

Only a Buddha and a Buddha

The Lotus Sutra says that the desire to help beings open to Buddha's wisdom is the condition for Buddha's appearing in this world.

Lotus Sutra, Soto Zen, Desire, Religion
Jul 28 2007
No Abode Hermitage

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

Bodhisattva Vow, Patience, Desire, zen meditation, Teacher-and-Student, Confession-...
Jul 24 2007
The Yoga Room

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

Nirvana, Bodhisattva Vow, Harmonizing, Lotus Sutra, zen meditation, true dharma, Bell...
Jul 17 2007
The Yoga Room
