Confession-and-Repentance Talks

Repentance is reviewing one's actions and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs, which is accompanied by commitment to and actual actions that show and prove a change for the better.

In modern times, it is generally seen as involving a commitment to personal change and the resolve to live a more responsible and humane life. In other words, being sorry for one's misdeeds. It can also involve sorrow over a specific sin or series of sins that an individual feels guilt over, or conviction that they have committed. The practice of repentance plays an important role in the soteriological doctrines of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Analogous practices have been found in other world religions as well. In religious contexts, it often involves an act of confession to God or to a spiritual elder (such as a monk or priest). This confession might include an admission of guilt, a promise or intent not to repeat the offense, an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way reverse the harmful effects of the wrong where possible.

Repentance typically requires an admission of guilt for committing a wrong or for omitting to do the right thing; a promise or resolve not to repeat the offense; an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong or the omission where possible.

Repentance (Hebrew: תשובה, literally, "return", pronounced tshuva or teshuva) is one element of atoning for sin in Judaism. Judaism recognizes that everybody sins on occasion, but that people can stop or minimize those occasions in the future by repenting for past transgressions. Thus, the primary purpose of repentance in Judaism is ethical self transformation.

A Jewish penitent is traditionally known as a baal teshuva (lit., "master of repentance" or "master of return") (Hebrew: בעל תשובה; for a woman: בעלת תשובה‎, baalat teshuva; plural: בעלי תשובה‎, baalei teshuva). An alternative modern term is hozer beteshuva (חוזר בתשובה‎) (lit., "returning in repentance"). "In a place where baalei teshuva stand", according to halakha, "even the full-fledged righteous do not stand."

Repentance is a stage in Christian salvation where the believer turns away from sin. As a distinct stage in the ordo salutis its position is disputed, with some theological traditions arguing it occurs prior to faith and the Reformed theological tradition arguing it occurs after faith. In Roman Catholic theology repentance is part of the larger theological concept of penance.

Tawba is the Islamic concept of repenting to God due to performing any sins and misdeeds. It is a direct matter between a person and God, so there is no intercession. There is no original sin in Islam. It is the act of leaving what God has prohibited and returning to what he has commanded. The word denotes the act of being repentant for one's misdeeds, atoning for those misdeeds, and having a strong determination to forsake those misdeeds (remorse, resolution, and repentance). If someone sins against another person, restitution is required.

Dharma Shastras and Vedas advocate for self-reflection, repentance paschatapa and atonement prayaschitta. Stories such as that of Ajamila speak about forgiveness by grace of God even to the worst sinners.

The Buddha considered shame over doing wrong (Pali: hiri) and fear of the consequences of wrongdoing (Pali:otappa) as essential safeguards against falling into evil ways and further as extremely useful in the path of purification. Also recommended was the regular practice of self-assessment or wise reflection (Pali: yoniso manasikara) on one's own actions in relation to others and the bigger picture.

In Mahayana Buddhism, one of the most common repentance verses used for reflection is Samantabhadra's Repentance Verse taken from Chapter 40 of the Flower Adornment Sutra:

Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, combined with (repentance) prayers. Similar forgiveness practices were performed on islands throughout the South Pacific, including Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand. Traditionally hoʻoponopono is practiced by healing priests or kahuna lapaʻau among family members of a person who is physically ill. Modern versions are performed within the family by a family elder, or by the individual alone.

Buß- und Bettag, Day of Repentance and Prayer Mea culpa Repentance Day, a public holiday of Christian prayer in Papua New Guinea Budge, Wallis (1910). "The Discourse Which Apa John, the Archbishop of Constantinople, Pronounced Concerning Repentance and Continence." . Coptic homilies in the dialect of Upper Egypt. Longmans and Co. Padua, St. Anthony of (1865). "Book 2: First Part (That repentance should be taken in hand speedily for seven reasons.)" . The Moral Concordances of Saint Anthony of Padua. J.T. Hayes. Quranic view on Repentance Jewish Encyclopedia: Repentance Theopedia: Repentance (conservative Calvinist perspective) Chattopadhyay, Subhasis. Review of Julia Kristeva's Hatred and Forgiveness in Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 121(10):721-22 (2016). ISSN 0032-6178. Edited by Swami Narasimhananda.

From Repentance on Wikipedia

Showing 26 talks

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Title Speaker

Sitting in the Presence of Buddha

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community.


Lay Ordination, Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Samantabhadra, Samadhi, ...
Nov 04 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Just Sitting

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community

Suzuki Roshi, Suffering, Karma, Confession-and-Repentance, Karmic Consciousness,...
May 06 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Aspiration, Vow and Giving Up the Impulse to Control

What is most important? Aspirations and vows.  Karmic habits distract us from what is most important, from hearing the true dharma. Fundamentally we are the intimacy of all things. Intimacy is...

Aspiration, Vow, Karma, Karmic Formations, Karmic Acts, Gain-and-Loss, Confession-and-Repentance,...
Feb 04 2023
No Abode Hermitage

The Buddha Way is a Conversation.

 Dogenzenji's vow and the practice confession and repentance.  Confession and repentenance includes both social and solitary aspects of practice. "The Snowman" poem by...

Dogen, Confession-and-Repentance, Emptiness, Evil, Repentance, Attachment
Sep 03 2022

No Abode Dharma Talk - July 10th, 2021, Afternoon

The first in-person gathering at No Abode since 2020

Hindrances, Obstacles, true dharma, Confession-and-Repentance, Bodhisattva Vow...
Jul 10 2021
No Abode Hermitage

Confession & Repentance in the Lotus Sutra

Confession-and-Repentance, Lotus Sutra,
Mar 06 2021

Chapter Three, Shoveling Dung

Confession-and-Repentance, Breath, resistance, Repentance
Sep 14 2019
No Abode Hermitage

The Womb of the Tathagata #5

Torei's vow; bowing in humility in the face of cruelty; meeting monsters with lovingkindness.

Confession-and-Repentance, Lovingkindness,
Aug 11 2018
No Abode Hermitage

The Womb of the Tathagata #2: Introducing the Brahma's Net Sutra

Introducing the Brahma's Net Sutra:

Platform Sutra, Bodhisattva Precepts, Nirvana Sutra, Confession-and-Repentance, ...
May 12 2018
No Abode Hermitage

Bodhisattva Practice Includes Everything

Buddha's 'a good place for a sanctuary'; karma is a place to build a sanctuary; extending out practice outside the zendo; expressing from a place before you were born;

Confession-and-Repentance, Buddha Mind, Transmission, Sanctuary, Confession-and-...
Jan 02 2017
No Abode Hermitage

Melting the Root of Transgression

Confession-and-Repentance, Buddha Ancestors, Compassion, Confession-and-Repentance,...
Apr 09 2016
No Abode Hermitage

Song of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Part 7

Confession-and-Repentance, Compassion, Complete Perfect Enlightenment,
Sep 19 2015
No Abode Hermitage

Listening, Training, Hearing and Liberation

Heart Sutra, Confession-and-Repentance, true dharma, Avalokiteshvara, Heart Sutra,...
Aug 09 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Exploring Consciousness and Realizing Wisdom

Exploring consciousness with the aid of Buddha's teachings is a path to discovering and realizing deep, liberating Wisdom. Consciousness may be experienced as confining and confusing; at the same...

Consciousness, Confession-and-Repentance, Compassion, unconscious process, Confession...
Mar 23 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Exploring Consciousness and Realizing Wisdom

Exploring consciousness with the aid of Buddha's teachings is a path to discovering and realizing deep, liberating Wisdom. Consciousness may be experienced as confining and confusing; at the same...

Consciousness, Eihei Koso Hotsuganmon, true dharma, Anger, unconscious process,...
Mar 22 2014
No Abode Hermitage

On Breathing 

Posture, Breath, Confession-and-Repentance, Mindfulness, Observe
Aug 08 2013
The Yoga Room

Ornament of the Sage's Mind 

Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Bodhisattva Vow, Precepts, Confession-and-Repentance...
Feb 02 2013
No Abode Hermitage

Bodhisattva Precepts Guided by the Teaching of Mind Only 

Bodhisattva Precepts Guided by the Teaching of Mind Only
Tenshin Reb Anderson
No Abode 10/6/2012 PM

Precepts, Karmic Consciousness, Observe, Confession-and-Repentance, Addiction...
Oct 06 2012
No Abode Hermitage

Facing the Wall for Nine Years 

Confession-and-Repentance, Intimacy, Repentance, Priest
Sep 18 2010
No Abode Hermitage

On the Eve of Going for Refuge in the Triple Treasure 

Confession-and-Repentance, Precepts, Zazen, Commitment, Nirvana
Apr 17 2010
No Abode Hermitage

Continuous Compassion for Karmic Consciousness 

Karmic Consciousness, Confession-and-Repentance, Repentance, Transmission
Feb 06 2010
No Abode Hermitage


true dharma, Bodhisattva Vow, Soto Zen, Bodhisattva Precepts, Desire, Commitment,...
May 01 2008
Minnesota Zen Center

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

Bodhisattva Vow, zen meditation, Balance, Karmic Consequences, resistance, Confession...
Aug 21 2007
The Yoga Room

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

zen meditation, Obstacles, Lotus Sutra, Bodhisattva Vow, Soto Zen, Confession-and-...
Aug 07 2007
The Yoga Room

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

Bodhisattva Vow, Patience, Desire, zen meditation, Teacher-and-Student, Confession-...
Jul 24 2007
The Yoga Room


Repentance, Confession-and-Repentance, Faith, Non-duality, lecture, Tassajara Zen...
Nov 11 2006