Evil Talks

Showing 30 talks

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No Abode Dharma Talk - March 9th, 2024

Evil, true dharma, Soto Zen
Mar 09 2024
No Abode Hermitage

What Is Your Art Form?

Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Genjokoan, Evil, true dharma, Soto Zen...
Mar 09 2024
No Abode Hermitage

Embracing and Sustaining All Beings in the Midst of Climate Crisis

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community on the bodhisattva precept of not killing .


Bodhisattva Precepts, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Evil
Dec 02 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Zen Meditation on the Great Flower Adornment Scripture, Class 2

In this series of meetings, we will study and see how Zen is the key unlocking the innumerable meanings of this oceanic scripture. We will also explore how the sutra opens and illuminates our simple...

#YRB-2023-Fall, Evil, Impermanence, Emotions, Hindrances
Oct 10 2023
2 of 8
The Yoga Room

No Abode Dharma Talk - September 9th, 2023

A talk given to the No Abode Community on September 9th, 2023. Begins with a brief overview of Books One and Two.  In Book Three, 

Samantabhadra, Samadhi, Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Zazen, Priest, Evil...
Sep 09 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Another Few Little Steps Into The Flower Treasury Array Of Oceans Of Worlds

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community

Enlightenment, Buddha, Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, Evil, Lotus Sutra,...
Jul 15 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Zen Meditation on Our Original Nature, Class 3

In this series of gatherings we will explore and perhaps realize our original nature, and how to apply such a discovery to all of our daily activities. 

#YRB-2023-Spring1, Original Nature, Buddha Nature, Evil, Karmic Consciousness, Faith...
Apr 04 2023
3 of 8
The Yoga Room

The Buddha Way is a Conversation.

 Dogenzenji's vow and the practice confession and repentance.  Confession and repentenance includes both social and solitary aspects of practice. "The Snowman" poem by...

Dogen, Confession-and-Repentance, Emptiness, Evil, Repentance, Attachment
Sep 03 2022

No Abode Dharma Talk - June 12th, 2021

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community

Evil, Consciousness, Repentance
Jun 12 2021

Yoga Room Class - April 13th, 2021

This recording is intended to be shared with class members only

#YRB-2021A, Evil, Lotus Sutra, Peace
Apr 13 2021
The Yoga Room

Teachings for the Welfare of the World

In this summer series, teachings will be offered for those who aspire to embrace and sustain the great earth and all living beings in order to realize peace and freedom in our troubled world

YRB-2019-Summer, Evil, Priest, Balance, American, Building, War, japanese, difficulty...
Jul 30 2019
The Yoga Room

Our Original Home

Human consciousness limits reality so that it can grasp "things".

Torei Zenji, Consciousness, Book of Serenity, Enemies, Evil, Emotions
Jul 13 2019
No Abode Hermitage

Teachings for the Welfare of the World

In this summer series, teachings will be offered for those who aspire to embrace and sustain the great earth and all living beings in order to realize peace and freedom in our troubled world.

YRB-2019-Summer, Letting Go, Karmic Consciousness, Silence, lecture, Enthusiasm,...
Jun 25 2019
The Yoga Room

Buddha Activity

The work of buddhas — buddha activity — is realizing intimacy and liberation in conversation together with all beings. In this series of meetings we will contemplate what it is to fully engage with...

YRB-2019-Spring, zen meditation, Silence, Evil, Faith, Doubt, causation, Bell,...
Mar 05 2019
The Yoga Room

Teachings and Meditations On Our True Nature

Our true nature is that we fully possess the wisdom and virtues of the buddhas. But because of misconceptions and attachments we do not realize our buddha nature. Therefore, teachings are given to...

YRB-2018-Summer, Evil, resistance, Karmic Consciousness, Attachment, confusion,...
Aug 07 2018
The Yoga Room

A Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony: Your Mind Is Becoming Buddha

Precepts, Bodhisattva Vow, Perfect Wisdom, Lotus Sutra, Perfect Wisdom, Precepts,...
Feb 07 2015
No Abode Hermitage

Listening, Training, Hearing and Liberation

Discrimination, Enlightenment, Compassion, Study, Delusion, Discrimination, Non-...
Aug 09 2014
No Abode Hermitage

Ornament of the Sage's Mind 

Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Bodhisattva Vow, Precepts, Confession-and-Repentance...
Feb 02 2013
No Abode Hermitage

The Boatman Does Not Use a Wooden Goose 

Addiction, Evil, Duality, Money
Dec 17 2011
No Abode Hermitage

Embracing the Mahayana: Do You Want to be an Artist? 

Breath, Dogen, Community, Lineage, Evil
Jul 16 2011
No Abode Hermitage

On the Eve of Going for Refuge in the Triple Treasure 

Precepts, Three Treasures, Evil, Bodhisattva Precepts, Commitment
Apr 17 2010
No Abode Hermitage

Causation within the Wondrous Dharma Flower 

Nirvana, Lotus Sutra, Evil
Oct 17 2009
No Abode Hermitage

Causation and Non-Self 

causation, Faith, Attachment, Evil
Apr 02 2009
The Yoga Room

Causation and Non-Self 

Attachment, Evil, Dogen, Emptiness
Mar 26 2009
The Yoga Room

Entering and Embodying Truth 

Suzuki Roshi, Koan, Community, Sangha, Evil
Jul 22 2008
The Yoga Room

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, Bell, Discrimination, Observe, Evil
Apr 03 2008
The Yoga Room

The Light of Buddha's Wisdom - Precepts of Compassion

Buddha sheds the light of wisdom on the true nature of suffering, liberation, and the human mind, on the teachings of compassion, moral causation, and the whole phenomenal universe. This retreat...

Non-discrimination, Evil, Money, Emptiness, Suzuki Roshi
May 06 2007
Part 6
Mount Madonna Center

The Light of Buddha's Wisdom - Precepts of Compassion

Buddha sheds the light of wisdom on the true nature of suffering, liberation, and the human mind, on the teachings of compassion, moral causation, and the whole phenomenal universe. This retreat...

Evil, Letting Go, Precepts, Buddha Nature
May 05 2007
Part 2
Mount Madonna Center

The Light of Buddha's Wisdom - Precepts of Compassion

Buddha sheds the light of wisdom on the true nature of suffering, liberation, and the human mind, on the teachings of compassion, moral causation, and the whole phenomenal universe. This retreat...

Precepts, Right Speech, Observe, Three Treasures, Evil
May 05 2007
Part 3
Mount Madonna Center

The Light of Buddha's Wisdom - Precepts of Compassion

Buddha sheds the light of wisdom on the true nature of suffering, liberation, and the human mind, on the teachings of compassion, moral causation, and the whole phenomenal universe. This retreat...

Posture, Evil, American, resistance
May 04 2007
Part 1
Mount Madonna Center