Discrimination Talks

Showing 24 talks

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Ten Vows, Ten Practices, and Ten Cakes

Discrimination, Bowing, Japan, Bell, Attachment, Priest, Dragons, Doubt, Bodhidharma...
Mar 07 2020
No Abode Hermitage

Ten Vows, Ten Practices, and Ten Cakes

Discrimination, Nirvana, Practice Period, Blue Cliff Record, Letting Go, Right Effort...
Mar 07 2020
No Abode Hermitage

Buddha Has Reasons For Teaching Non-Self And Buddha Has Reasons For Teaching Self

Addiction, Discrimination, Anger, Practice Period, Dragons, Impermanence, Enthusiasm...
Feb 01 2020
No Abode Hermitage

Stories of Enlightenment

In our class this fall we will contemplate and converse about several stories of Zen practice and enlightenment. Our contemplation and conversations will naturally bring up questions and concerns...

YRB-2019-Fall, confusion, Book of Serenity, Discrimination, Zazen, resistance...
Oct 03 2019
The Yoga Room

Our Original Home

Attachment, War, Bodhisattva Way, Discrimination, Buddha Mind
Jul 13 2019
No Abode Hermitage

More Poverty And Nobility

Discrimination, Lotus Sutra, Non-discrimination, Cultivation, Nirvana
Jun 08 2019
No Abode Hermitage

Buddha Activity

The work of buddhas — buddha activity — is realizing intimacy and liberation in conversation together with all beings. In this series of meetings we will contemplate what it is to fully engage with...

YRB-2019-Spring, Karmic Consciousness, Silence, Intimacy, Ego, Nirvana, Teacher-and-...
Apr 16 2019
The Yoga Room

Just This Is: the Avatamsaka Sutra in the Zen Tradition

Perfect Wisdom, Discrimination, Buddha Mind, Practice Period, Karmic Consciousness,...
Apr 13 2019
No Abode Hermitage

Buddha Activity

The work of buddhas — buddha activity — is realizing intimacy and liberation in conversation together with all beings. In this series of meetings we will contemplate what it is to fully engage with...

YRB-2019-Spring, Discrimination, Letting Go, Attachment, Ordinary Mind, Suzuki Roshi...
Apr 09 2019
The Yoga Room

Heartbreak Hotel: Karmic Consciousness

Karmic Consciousness, Perfect Wisdom, Cultivation, Karmic Consciousness, Perfect...
Jan 03 2015
No Abode Hermitage

Listening, Training, Hearing and Liberation

Discrimination, Enlightenment, Compassion, Study, Delusion, Discrimination, Non-...
Aug 09 2014
No Abode Hermitage

The Bodhisattva's Three-fold Ethics and Three-fold Samadhi 

Discrimination, Samadhi, Precepts, Non-discrimination, resistance
Jun 22 2013
No Abode Hermitage

On the Body 

Addiction, Emotions, zen meditation, Discrimination
Nov 01 2012
The Yoga Room

Entry into the nature of the knowable 

Obstacles, Duality, confusion, Discrimination, Commitment
Oct 01 2011
No Abode Hermitage

Zen Stories 

Silence, Intimacy, Karmic Consciousness, Discrimination, Separation
Mar 03 2011
The Yoga Room

The Ultimate Transcends Difference and Unity

Samdhinirmochana Mahayana Sutra Chapter 3, part 2

Discrimination, Balance, Building, Community
Jul 18 2009
No Abode Hermitage

Entering and Embodying Truth 

Mindfulness, Posture, Enemies, Cultivation, Discrimination
Jul 15 2008
The Yoga Room

Thinking and Not Thinking 

Buddha Mind, Nirvana, Discrimination, Mahayana
May 25 2008
Green Gulch Farm

Pure Land is Here and Now 

Non-discrimination, Lotus Sutra, Discrimination, Emptiness
May 10 2008
No Abode Hermitage

Embodying the Lotus Sutra 

Lotus Sutra, Bell, Discrimination, Observe, Evil
Apr 03 2008
The Yoga Room

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

resistance, Discrimination, Giving-and-Taking, Soto Zen, Samadhi, Non-discrimination...
Jul 31 2007
The Yoga Room

Prajna Paramita

The "Perfection of Wisdom" is the bodhisattva's understanding of emptiness, which is available to those who are settled in the conventional world.

Emptiness, Discrimination, Breath, Observe
Jul 14 2007
No Abode Hermitage

Zen Meditation as Bodhisattva Vow

During this course, we will study the bodhisattva vow, to see how the compassionate intentions of enlightening beings generate, work, and play with the mind of enlightenment to promote peace and...

Birth-and-Death, Bodhisattva Vow, Samsara, Nirvana, Attachment, zen meditation,...
Jul 10 2007
The Yoga Room

Enlightenment is the Silent Bond 

Discrimination, Religion, Desire, difficulty
Apr 01 2007
Green Gulch Farm